=] LóRééNa RóóJóó [=

Mendeak bizi garela, zoriontzu gezur batean.... :(


Writting an ESSAY


In my opinion, team sports are better than individual sports. I play basketball since I was 8 years old; but before that I used to play tennis. That’s why I can compare both of them, and definitely, I prefer team sports.

On the one hand, I think it’s better if you practise sports with more people than alone, because you have company and more fun. It is also an important fact that you meet new people and you make good friends from other places. Some people feel more independent playing individual sports like tennis, bowling, skating… but I don’t mind depending on my trainer.

On the other hand, I also know that sometimes you want to go home but you can’t because you have an agreement with your team; but making a little effort is not a big problem.

So, I agree with those people who say that team sports are better. Finally that’s why I play Basket!! =]

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